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Competitor's challenge

COAX CONSULTORA ventured in the extremely competitive Chilean market.
It organized a company in Santiago to operate a licensed teledistribution service in the capital city and its neighboring area.

In this case, COAX’s strategy enabled it to provide additional capabilities to the laying of 1,500 km of cable which thus became one of the three largest networks -together with telephone and electricity- in the Chilean capital. The system that was designed, built and run by COAX was one of its most successful deals.

After 2 years of COAX’s operations, the system was sold to the largest pay television worldwide holding at one of the highest prices ever paid until then for this type of deal in Latin America.

The advanced technology achieved by COAX enabled the purchasing company to associate with the main telephone ap.kitchenkitsview.com/ audemars piguet replica company in Chile with the purpose of complementing the laying of their networks, which in the case of the teledistribution system covered an area of 250,000 homes.